Level up with the Fitpros

Our group training classes designed to guide you and give you direction toward your fitness goals, regardless of your background. Our workout sessions are fun and energetic, and you’ll workout alongside amazing people who are there to support.

We run our group training classes through our fit level system. If you’ve never exercised in your life well start with the very basic fundamentals. If you have experience working out, we definitely have a challenge for you. 


Fit Level 1 is all about balance. Before we start any rigorous movement we must first strengthen our posture

Fit Level 2 is about endurance. Now that we have strong posture, we are ready to move

Fit Level 3 is about strength. We’ve built balance, and we’ve built endurance to move. Now were ready to lift.

Fit Level 4 is for the elite. This fit level is about explosion. Now that we’re strong enough to carry heavy weight with good posture, we can focus on creating maximum force. 

What fit level are you

Sign up to get a few trial sessions on us.