Before A Goal Is Met, A Goal Is Set

Did you know that 1/3 of our country is obese and 70% over weight; and so our nation has taken an interest in fitness.  Although fitness has become a trend, RESULTS HAVE NOT.

Our obesity rates have grown since I became a trainer 10 years ago, but so has the amount of people joining gyms. This confuses me dearly and it’s the reason why we created our one of a kind We Give A Fit Experience. 


In a way, social media and other outlets have let the fitness trend boom. Therefore people, for the first time in history, have access to information like our parents and grandparents ever did.  

 However information and direction are two different things.  All the fitness and nutrition information in the world isn’t going to help anyone unless you know how to set goals.

That understanding is what makes us who we are over at Sanctify Fit pros.  Our Goal setting workshop and We Give A Fit Challenge were created to help us understand our members the way they need to be understood.

To get more info enter your contact info below. 

Next Workshop is November 9th at 7pm

Did we mention it’s FREE?

We don’t just see body’s moving.  We see a movement happening with in each body and mind.  A movement we’re happy to lead.