Many challenges focus on weight and calories, our challenge focuses on YOU.  A fitness and health journey shouldn’t be all about what the scale says.  You should also walk out  knowing how too keep yourself healthy and happy.  

 In a world that moves really fast, its tempting to take the quickest way to lose weight.  Instead of working towards a healthy lifestyle we find ourselves taking the same journey over and over again.  Loosing the same 20-30 lbs every year.  Never truly knowing how to stay healthy

We understand not everyone knows how to get the right information, but sometimes the problem is deeper than the lack of knowledge.  The real problems lie deep with in our habits and our limiting beliefs.

The lack of motivation starts with our thoughts, and the way we talk to ourselves.  The way we think can limit us and our challenge helps identify what beliefs, and habits are limiting your results.  This understanding is what helps our members go from making it a challenge to making it a lifestyle.

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Our Challenge Consist of...

Nutritional Guidance

Learn what to eat, how to eat, and when to eat. We're ditching the complicated diets and giving you control over your nutrition.


Constant Accountability

You'll have special access to our emails and group chat where we'll be constantly reflecting on our progress.

Weekly Follow ups with your coach

Once a week you'll get to follow up with your coach via skype to create and implement new strategies for the week to come.

Unlimited Group Training

Our group training sessions are based on our Fit Level System. A system that took years of experience to create with the intention of making sure you are constantly leveling up and getting in better shape week by week. We've also built a close community of people who help each other grow, and stay accountable.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

We are confident in our education and years of experience that this program will deliver incredible results. You you're not satisfied with in 30 days you'll receive your money back